8 Mar 2010

Blast from the past

Using the Wayback Machine Internet Archive I have located what my Genevan Psalter website looked like a decade ago, when it was no more than a single page with links to a few midi files. This is how it looked on 9 October 1999. And this is it a year later on 27 October 2000. Needless to say, the site grew considerably over the next few years.

By the way, I have a short piece, Metrical psalmody: singing God's word, which was recently posted at The Worldview Church, which bills itself as "Resources for Pastors from the Chuck Colson Center for Christian Worldview."

1 Mar 2010

Update: Psalm 146

Having heard Sweelinck's arrangement of Psalm 146 below, I have now composed my own and versified the text, which I posted this morning here. This is the first stanza of the text:

Praise the LORD; sing alleluia!
O my soul, sing forth his praise.
Praises will my voice be chanting
to the LORD through all my days.
To my God my lips shall give
songs of praise while yet I live.