17 Sept 2017

Everhard on liturgical psalters

Here is a nice survey of three liturgical psalters by Presbyterian pastor Matthew Everhard:

Here are the links to the three psalters he describes:

14 Sept 2017

Kodály Zoltán: Psalm 50

Over the centuries the Hungarians have done wonderful things with the Genevan Psalms. Here is Zoltán Kodály's compelling arrangement of Psalm 50:

11 Sept 2017

Psalm 150: The Niagara Psalter

I don't know whether Psalm 150 is my absolute favourite psalm, but it certainly ranks near the top. Here is my rendition of the One-Hundred-Fiftieth Psalm from my ongoing Niagara Psalter project:

Here is the text:

                                            Psalm 150

                    Sing your praises to the LORD! Alleluia!
                    Praise God in his temple's court! Alleluia!
                    Praise him in his skies above!
                    Alleluia! Praise him for his deeds of love! Alleluia!

                    Praise his all-surpassing grace! Alleluia!
                    Let the trumpet sound his praise! Alleluia!
                    Praise him with the harp and lute! Alleluia!
                    Praise with dance and praise with flute! Alleluia!

                    Praise with tambourine and string! Alleluia!
                    Praise with cymbals' brassy ring! Alleluia!
                    Clashing cymbals sound his praise! Alleluia!
                    All that breathe, your voices raise: Alleluia!

                              Copyright © 2013 by David T Koyzis

10 Sept 2017

Psalm 47: two versions

Here are two choral performances of Psalm 47, as sung to the English text used by the Canadian Reformed Churches. The second arrangement sounds like Claude Goudimel's arrangement, with the melody in the tenor line, as is typical of early modern harmonizations.

9 Sept 2017

The very first psalm

Here is my recent performance of Psalm 1 from my ongoing Niagara Psalter project. This one is dedicated to my good friend, Russell David Kosits.

                                                                   Psalm 1

                                     How blest is the one who refuses to heed
                                     the wicked's advice and shuns every dark deed,
                                     who never will walk where the sinful have trod,
                                     nor sit in the presence of scoffers at God,

                                     who finds great delight in the law of the LORD,
                                     by day and by night meditates on his word.
                                     Like trees that are planted where water streams wend
                                     and put forth their fruitfulness at season's end,

                                     whose leaf does not wither or fade in the sun–
                                     prosperity ever shall bless such a one.
                                     Not so will it be with the wicked who stray,
                                     for they are like chaff that the wind blows away.

                                     When judgement comes, none of the wicked shall stand,
                                     nor sinners assail the upright of the land;
                                     while GOD knows the way that the righteous have sought,
                                     the ways of the wicked will soon come to naught.

                                           Text © 2013 David T. Koyzis 
                                           Tune: RUSSELL, © David T. Koyzis

8 Sept 2017

Psalm 121

I've always thought that this melody carries the feel of the text of Psalm 121 exceptionally well. I would be hard pressed to come up with something better.

7 Sept 2017

Le premier psaume: The first Psalm

The Ensemble Sweelinck de Genève sings Psalm 1 in a live performance before an audience, complete with the occasional cough: