10 Dec 2010

The Psalms in Brazilian Portuguese

A Brazilian acquaintance, Guilherme de Carvalho, has drawn my attention to a Portuguese-language article by Lucas G. Freire, titled A igreja deveria cantar mais os salmos, translated into English as The church should sing psalms more. Freire is a member of the Brazilian Committee on Psalmody (Comissão Brasileira de Salmodia, or CBS), which is undertaking to versify all 150 Psalms in the Portuguese language. The fruit of these efforts can be found at Saltério Reformado. Those versifications with Freire's name at the bottom are first drafts. Those attributed to CBS are final drafts. The intention is to have 150 Psalms set to the Genevan tunes and 150 Psalms set to more familiar hymn tunes. The collection should come out sometime next year. We wish Freire and the entire committee God's guidance and blessings as they undertake this important work for his glory.


  1. Praise God! We will pray for you that God will bless your work.
    "May the peoples praise you, O God; may all the peoples praise you." Psalm 67:3

  2. 11 years later, I didn't know about this project. I was thinking about this today and searched for it, sadly it hasn't became a thing. Hope someone could finish this project someday

  3. I hope so. I've not followed it closely since this post, but Brazilians definitely need to be singing the Psalms!

  4. The project is still going on. You can find the material that has been produced at

  5. The project is still going on. You can find the material that has been produced at
