25 Nov 2021

Comissão Brasileira de Salmodia

I have placed a link in the right sidebar to the Comissão Brasileira de Salmodia (Brazilian Commission of Psalmody, or CBS). This is a translation of the introductory paragraph on the front page:

CBS is a committee made up of reformed and confessional members of Christ's Church. We believe that the psalms should be sung by God's people scattered over the face of the earth, and we intend to contribute to their use among Portuguese-speaking Christians.

Judging from the list of Psalms, two things are apparent. First, not all the Psalms have yet been completed, and, second, there is more than one version of some of the Psalms. I will add a third to this: CBS's version of Genevan Psalm 150 appears to have borrowed my use of the double Alleluias for the two eight-syllable lines in each of the two stanzas.


vitorao said...

Hello there. I'm a member of CBS.

The intent of the project is to have all 150 psalms metrified in at least two different tunes (one being from the Genevan Psalter and one being a contemporary tune). That's why there is more than one version of some psalms. And there's still a lot of work yet to be made. As of today, only 91 psalms are complete and revised.

Regarding psalm 150, I don't know the inspiration for using double Alleluias. But it works great.

If anyone has any further inquiry, feel free to contact us at contato@salterio.com.br

David Koyzis said...

Thank you!