24 May 2022

Let the People Praise: The Enduring Legacy of the Genevan Psalter

Last wednesday afternoon, 18 May, I delivered this lecture at Calvin University, Grand Rapids, Michigan, titled: "Let the People Praise: The Enduring Legacy of the Genevan Psalter." This was to mark the 40th anniversary of the H. Henry Meeter Center for Calvin Studies. I was pleased to see so many familiar and unfamiliar faces there. For those unable to attend, here is a recording of the lecture.


Because the links to videos could not be easily heard in the recording, I will link to them below:


Bill said...

Thanks for posting the links to the videos! I searched for genfi zsoltár on You Tube and listened to some of the psalms.Thanks also for the lecture!

David Koyzis said...

You're very welcome! Glad you found it of interest.