1 Jul 2022

Los Salmos en rima española, 2

This revised collection comes in a paperback form with a deep burgundy cover. Unlike the first edition, it contains all the melodies as well as the texts which makes for a thicker volume running to just over 300 pages. The layout looks like this:

As such, the typical page strongly resembles that of a Dutch psalter, such as the Liedboek voor de Kerken, and of the Canadian Reformed Book of Praise, a major difference being that this collection places the treble clef in each line rather than in the first line only. One drawback in the layout is that the music and the words placed beneath each line appear to have been produced from one of those old dot matrix printers from thirty years ago which makes it difficult to read. Admittedly, I have considerably less than 20/20 vision, and as I age I am less able to read smaller fonts. Fortunately, the first stanza of each psalm is repeated below the music in a much more readable font.

A section in the front indicates the years in which each edition of the Genevan Psalter was published, the repeated melodies, and the modes (e.g., dorian, hypodorian, phrygian, &c.) in which they are written. At the end is an index of first lines.

I have recently discovered that Amazon.com is now in the printing business. The Spanish edition of my Political Visions and Illusions was printed at the Amazon facilities in Monee, Illinois, USA, and Middletown, Delaware. Los Salmos en rima española were printed in Bolton, Ontario, Canada.

I join my prayer with that of Jorge Ruiz Ortiz "that the Lord will use [this collection] powerfully to advance his kingdom [in the] Spanish-speaking countries." ¡Gracias a Dios!

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