2 Aug 2022

Psalmii Cântați

Yes, even the Christians of Romania, a largely Orthodox Christian country whose people speak a Romance language, sing metrical psalms. At right is a copy of their psalter, CÂNTĂRILE PSALMILOR, published by Editura Comorile Harului (Treasures of Grace Publishing), in 2000. As far as I can determine, it is made up largely of original texts set to verse by Traian Dorz and music composed by Nicolae Moldoveanu, famed church musician who, during the era of communist persecution, shared a prison cell with Richard Wurmbrand. This year marks the centenary of Modoveanu's birth. He died at a good old age in 2007.

Performances of these Psalms can be found at the YouTube channel, Psalmii Cântați, which was set up by Eugen Tămaș. Here is the description of the channel translated into English by Google:

The Book of Psalms (Psalter) is the Book of Songs of the Bible! The Psalms are the only songbook written by God that He gave as a gift to His Church to learn to praise Him in a way that is pleasing to Him. It was the harp of the people of Israel. It was the songbook of the Lord Jesus Christ. The Apostles and the Early Church, as well as the Church throughout the centuries, sang the Psalms. Today, in most churches, they are no longer sung. 

For this reason, God put it on my heart to create this channel through which I want to contribute to promoting the singing of psalms in today's church in Romania and the diaspora. In Romanian we already have some extraordinary resources. I invite you to explore the playlists, enjoy all the resources available (and more to come), subscribe (for the latest appearances) and share it with others.

Praise the Lord!

Here is one of the Dorz/Modoveanu psalms, Psalm 8:

Incidentally, this collection is out of print, and a group of Romanian Christians are attempting to raise funds for a reprint.

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