8 Mar 2024

Parker's Psalm 68

In addition to Psalm 1, The Cardinall's Musick has also posted Archbishop Parker's versification of Psalm 68. Again, the tenor soloist sings the tune once before the choir joins in.

Here is the text of the first stanza:

Let God arise in majesty
And scattered be his foes.
Yea, flee they all his sight in face,
To him which hateful goes.
As smoke is driv'n and com'th to naught,
Repulse their tyranny.
At face of fire, as wax doth melt,
God's face the bad must fly.

As Psalm 68 is one of the longer psalms, and because Parker's versification consists of 35 stanzas, I have not tried to repost all of them above. However, all 35 can be found here.

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