30 Mar 2021

Concert 'Le psautier huguenot' par la Mission Timothée

This concert was put on three years ago by Mission Timothée to mark the 500th anniversary of the beginning of the Reformation. Shortly thereafter it was posted here: Concert "Le psautier huguenot" par la Mission Timothée.

Here is a directory of the songs sung, including nine of the Genevan Psalms:

  1. Introduction de l'historienne Inès Kirschleger 00:00  
  2. C'est un rempart - choral de Luther 00:35  
  3. Célébrez Dieu - ps. 118 01:38  
  4. Seigneur écoute ma prière - ps. 143 02:00 
  5. Roi couvert de blessure - intermède orchestral 02:27 
  6. Oh que c'est chose belle - ps. 92 03:21 
  7. À toi mon Dieu - ps. 25 04:04 
  8. Il faut grand Dieu - ps. 15 04:41 
  9. Qu'on batte des mains - ps. 47 05:22 
  10. Seigneur tu lis au fond de moi - ps. 139 06:21 
  11. Que Dieu se montre seulement - intermède orchestral - ps. 68 06:58 
  12. La terre au Seigneur appartient - ps. 24 8:20

Mission Timothée is a parachurch ministry, begun in 1972 in France with the establishment of a homeless shelter and a further expansion into summer camps for children. The mission appears to have become something akin to a denomination planting local churches in France, Belgium, Switzerland, Bulgaria, Madagascar, and Guinea (Conakry).

From its website: 

The vocation of Mission Timothée can be summed up as follows: to work united in light and fraternal love, at the service of the Church of Jesus Christ as a whole and to bring everyone to personal knowledge of the Lord.

 Whether it actively draws on the Huguenot heritage is difficult to say apart from this video.

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