26 Aug 2024

De Nieuwe Psalmberijming: Psalm 25

One more psalm from Roeland Scherff and company from the new Dutch versification of the Psalms:

14 Aug 2024

Thinking Christian podcast interview

Some weeks ago I was interviewed by James Spencer on What does it mean to be a Christian citizen?, covering topics in my three books. Not long after that, Spencer and I had a conversation about my work with the Psalms, and this has now been posted on the various media hosting the Thinking Christian podcast episodes: How Can the Psalms Help Christians Worship? A Conversation with David Koyzis. Spencer has a PhD in theological studies from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School and has hosted this podcast for about a year. Topics covered here include the Genevan and Scottish Psalters, my own Genevan Psalter project, the Book of Common Prayer, and the Lutheran use of the daily office.

8 Aug 2024

Lutherans sing through Psalter

I would love to have attended this event. From 9 to 12 July, the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod’s (LCMS) 2024 Institute on Liturgy, Preaching and Church Music met at St. John Lutheran Church in Seward, Nebraska. In the course of lectures, workshops, and worship services, the assembled gathering managed to sing all 150 Psalms, using the chant tones in the Concordia Psalter and other material produced by Concordia Publications in St.Louis. The story is told in this article, which makes for inspiring reading: ‘And they sang’: Worship institute covers entire psalter in four days. Here is an excerpt:

6 Aug 2024

Huguenot Psalter: Psalm 24

Here is an inspiring version of Genevan Psalm 24 sung enthusiastically by a francophone congregation: